W.E. Reading
Στο σχολείο μας, τα λογοτεχνικά κείμενα αναρτώνται στους τοίχους σχολείου και στην ιστοσελίδα. Καλούμε τους μαθητές και τις μαθήτριές μας, να διαβάσουν τα κείμενα και να συμπληρώσουν ένα σύντομο ερωτηματολόγιο. Επιβράβευση: Για κάθε τρία κείμενα ανάγνωσης με απάντηση ερωτηματολογίου, οι μαθητές/-τριες θα επιβραβεύονται με μία (1) Μονάδα ΔΔΚ. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- During the visit, Chrysanthi Nicodemou had the opportunity to explore a variety of outstanding projects implemented by the host school. Among them was the Wall Reading initiative—an innovative approach aimed at fostering reading literacy and motivating low-performing students. The concept is simple yet effective: literary texts or extracts are displayed on walls, encouraging students to read them. The host school’s experiment showed remarkable engagement, with about half of the student body participating by reading and responding to short online questionnaires. Inspired by this initiative, we invite our students to explore the texts displayed on our school walls and website and to share their thoughts by completing a brief response form. Reward: Students gain One (1) point for ΔΔΚ programme per three texts and response form completion. |
Σύντομο ερωτηματολόγιο/Short form: W.E. Reading Response Form |